The FluxMed monitors also have the possibility of incorporating an Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) module. The measurement of EIT, using the application of small alternating currents, determine the impedance changes related to ventilation in the thoracic section.
Main Features:
Visualization of EIT windows using FluxView software
The “ROIs” section allows the evaluation of different regions of interest. Each of these regions has an impedance curve in time. This feature allows the visualization and quantification of the ventilation distribution in each region.
It also allows the assessment of short-term changes in lung volume at the end of expiration through end-expiratory lung impedance (EELI) and "tidal" impedance (TZ).
Accessories for the EIT module:
The EIT module uses Sentec EIT.
MBMED: Av. Santa Fé 1955 (B1640IFG) Martinez, Bs. As., Argentina Phone: +54 11 5258 8787 Email: